Grandparents Memory Book - How to do your family tree

How to complete your family tree pages
One of the pages we see our Blueberries have the most trouble with is putting their family tree pages together. Not knowing where to start can make it really tricky.
Our new and improved Grandparents and Me Book has its own unique family tree spread, with two trees intertwining so you can show both sides of the family coming together to create the special little one (or little ones).
To make sure you make the most of these great, customisable pages, we’ve created this how to guide to help, with options of different ways you can create your tree.

We don’t mark out places for pictures because we know everyone’s families are different. The family tree pages can look great with and without photos.
Some of the great ideas come from our private Facebook community (The Blueberry Co Baby Book Club), so if you’re not part of it, jumping on there can give you some inspo too!

I hear all the time that some of you get nervous about messing up your pages. I don’t think there’s such thing - everything in your book is a reflection of you, and nothing is perfect.
But, if you are feeling unsure, photocopy your pages and lay them out ready to scribble, draw and stick onto until you are happy. Trust me, you’ll get on a roll once you solve the ‘how to’ puzzle!
If you photocopy your pages, it’ll give you a chance to test you colour scheme too - though you always have your test pages at the back of the book for that.
We have seen so many amazing trees, with different colours weaved together, and even rainbow trees. You could do pink tones for mum’s side and blue tones for dad’s.

Mark it out. Whether you’re deciding what to include - pics, names, date of birth - or who to include - aunts and uncles, family you may not see, important step parents - try marking it out first.
It’ll help to write out the family connections on a separate piece of paper first.
And then, when transferring to your book, some handy household items might help - try 20c pieces or bottle caps to plan small photos, post it notes for square pics or detailed information. Pencil first always.
As you start rearranging, the answers will come to you.
A few options to consider:
- Pics only - small images of your family members
- Names only - we see this a lot from members with their baby books
- Parents and grandparents only - stick to immediate family, especially if you have many people to include
- Separate photos - if you have a huge family, you could just include one pic of everyone
- Just include your faves - there are no rules. If there are people you don’t want to include, don’t include them. There aren’t specific spots for specific family members, so you can be flexible with your layout.
Here are some of our favourites we have seen featured from the Baby Book - and we can’t wait to see your pages from the Grandparents book, work in progress and finished!
If you have any questions, juts pop them in the comments below and I'll be happy to help!
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